108 words — 1 minutes read

Still open places for Rails Training in Zurich

On February 27. and 28. I will be hosting Ruby On Rails Training in Zurich, Switzerland. There still are open slots, so if you want to learn hands-on how to build web applications using Ruby on Rails, now is the time to sign up.


Venue: Badenerstrasse 585, 8048 Zurich

Cost: CHF 750.–

Language: German


  • Introduction to Rails
  • Database to prototype in 15 minutes
  • Building an attractive, performant and secure web application
  • Using AJAX for dynamic user interfaces
  • Testing using unit and functional tests
  • Using agile development techniques

Send an email to info@invisible.ch to sign up for this seminar.

Technorati Tags: agile, ausbildung, rubyonrails, schulung, switzerland, training

Jens-Christian Fischer

Maker. Musician