/ #music  #album 

The Farm

I spend my summer holidays with friends in a remote place somewhere in Denmark on an old farm. It is a time of talking, laughing, sharing stories, crafting, sports and good food. And sometimes there’s music. In previous years I shared some of my songs, this year I performed a set with guitar and iPad and a portable speaker for a few friends one afternoon. As usual, I recorded the set - this time I tried to capture all tracks and not just the resulting stereo mix. As usual with technical things (and musical technical things in particular), it went wrong and out of the 7 armed tracks, only 4 had a signal. Luckily that included the raw guitar and the synths (as well as two of the effects tracks). I was able to re-create the missing effect tracks and the only thing that was really lost, was the drum track. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #music  #album 

Café noire

One thing leads to another. Someone I know knows someone, we exchange emails and he sees that I make music and asks me to perform some live music at a private event. Thus was born “Cafe noire”. It had been many months since I performed and I was nervous about how much I would be able to bring to the event. It turns out that I’m really happy how the performance went. I was able to create an ambient sound scape that conveys a mood and that I still enjoy when I listen back to it. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer