/ #blog 


After over two^h^h^h three years of not doing anything here, the recent exodus from “Birdsite” to Mastodon has brought up the topic of self hosted and independent content. Time to dust of the old blog. I had to update a few files in my Chaschper Theme to make it compatible with a more recent version of Hugo than the one I had installed. I also had to do the usual Yak shaving to get everything back up to speed on a new laptop (where new is relative - I’ve had this machine for over 6 months and just not had the need to run Git or Hugo from the commandline since then. New job, new profile - long story, and one for another day) ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #habits 


Almost exactly 6 years after I talked about Habits it is time to pick up the topic again. It seems that starting a new year brings out the desire to work on self-improvement in me. And that means working on all of the things that “one should do” regularly (like brushing teeth). A couple of years ago, I tried the BJ Fogg Tinyhabits method to intrduce new habits (it seems that the topic of Micro Habits is the new hot shit anyway) and failed spectacularly. I don’t even remeber what I tried to achieve then. Other habits have been more successful: 2 years ago I bought an Apple Watch and have been closing my rings almost every day ever since (I’m on day 703 of 1000). I learned that I needed to be able to make exceptions (being sick is one of them, helping kids prepare for final exams another) and be ok to breaking the chain. Still I have been walking to work almost every single day for the past two years. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #workshop  #aikido 

Nik Bärtsch Winter Workshop

Nik Bärtsch is one of the central figures of the Zurich based, swiss minimal rhythmic music scene. His band Ronin plays every Monday night at Exil. Friends and I have been going there regularly for our dose of Ritual Zen Funk. These concerts each have been wonderful experiences. A couple of weeks ago, Nik announced a Winter Workshop, a long weekend in Tessin. Unfortunately, there weren’t enough attendees, so it had to be shortened to just one Saturday. That was yesterday, and I had the pleasure to take part in a long and intensive movement and rhythm workshop in the Kokoro Dojo where Nik and Andrea led a very small group (just two of us). ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #zsh  #cli 

Fuzzy File Finding (and warm fuzzy feelings)

While my day job is managing a team of 8 engineers (which means a lot of meetings), I do get to work with the CLI from time to time. As you might know, working on the CLI means navigating deep dirctory structures and working with millions of files. It doesn’t matter if you are into operations or into development, working with directories and files are going to be your bread and butter operations. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #music  #bandcamp 

The Forest of Unending Warmth

The music of Erik Emil Eskildsen (eee) is not something that naturally would be played on the radio. Which is a shame, and also a good thing (Art!). His music takes time to listen to, and it also needs repetition and intensive listening. I stumbled upon eee via Markus Reuter - both of them play Touch Guitars, an invention by Markus. (Markus, of course, I met via Make Weird Music - a fantastic collection of interviews with musicians, away from the main stream) ...

Jens-Christian Fischer