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Yesterdays was quite a success. Almost 100 particpants showed up for a one day, information packed day.
My presentation on “Extreme Testing” went very well. The slides should be up in a couple of days on the web site.
I had a chance to reconnect to people I met at other conferences and make quite a few new acquaintances. The personal hightlights for me were a comment about Capistrano in the Q&A section of the Capistrano talk by Ralf Wirdemann (which will allow me to use Capistrano on a server that doesn’t allow access to the SVN repository), Patrick Lenz’s take on Rails scalability and of course Rany Kedos plan for getting out of a boring job (not that I would need that, thankfully):
- Deceive
- Lie
- Steal
All in all a great day, and I’m looking forward to the next installation.
Technorati Tags:, rubyonrails