Time passes. You wait.
More time passes.
It might seem to you, dear reader, that nothing really happened the last few weeks. The truth - of course - is different.
Just the most important things:
Henriette and Thomas got married - check out the flickr pics I presented at rails-konferenz.de - Patrick Lenz made wonderful pictures The web site for my book has gone live: rails-praxis.de I coerced my publisher to actually release more than the introduction of the book as PDF: I give you the chapter on RSpec and Userstories I am now part of the headshift family My company is looking at expanding: We are looking for larger offices, and interesting people - apply within Lot of exiting work signed up My grandmother died at the age of 89 - funeral tomorrow - just before: reboot Technorati Tags: book, denmark, reboot10, rails-konferenz, rubyonrails