Bundle update causes havoc
You know the feeling - you do a quick “bundle update” and all hell breaks loose? I knew you do.
I updated rspec from 2.5 to 2.6 in one of my projects, and it also updated the nifty faker gem we use for generating test data.
Of course, this broke a couple of hundred tests with the following message:
private method `rand' called for ["DE", "FR", "IT", "AT"]:Array
I used to select a random country from an array, like thus:
Address.blueprint do
address_1 { Faker::Address.street_address }
address_2 { Faker::Address.secondary_address }
city { Faker::Address.city }
country { %w{ DE FR IT AT }.rand }
postal_code { Faker::Address.zip_code }
state { "new" }
A bit of looking at the faker gems source code, showed me the error of my ways. I shouldn’t use the rand method, but either choice or sample instead.
Here’s the code that works:
Address.blueprint do
address_1 { Faker::Address.street_address }
address_2 { Faker::Address.secondary_address }
city { Faker::Address.city }
country { %w{ DE FR IT AT }.sample }
postal_code { Faker::Address.zip_code }
state { "new" }