/ #blog 

59 - Tatort

Es hätte schlimmer kommen können. Til Schweiger als neuer Hamburger Kommisar bringe einen eher unrealistischen, Action geladenen Tatort. Keine Reflektion, kein Seelenstriptease, dafür viel rumgeballere und einige coole Sprüche. Trotzdem ist das bei weitem nicht so schlimm herausgekommen, wie zu befürchten war. Dennoch - ob der Tatort unbedingt US lastig (was den Munitionsverbrauch angeht) werden muss? Bis jetzt hat mir eigentlich ganz gut gefallen, dass die Tatorte wenigstens in Ansätzen den Anschein hatten, knapp etwas mit der Realität zu tun zu haben. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

60 - life - game - video

Everyone with a teenage son will know that this species spends an incredible amount of time in front of game consoles and computers if left to their own devices. I don’t want to go into the fights we have with our son about his excessive use of electronics (after all, I am guilty of too much electronics myself). One thing however, that I have absolutely no understanding for - and that surprised me, when I found out is the following: ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

63 - learning with a beginners mind

The Coursera Songwriting and Music Production classes I’m taking are being discussed over on the Justinguitar forums. Here’s the text I wrote as an answer to the bitching about the courses being all wrong, shallow, etc… I’m taking both the music production and the songwriting class, and so far have been enjoying them (each in their different way). I have been dabbling with audio for 30 or so years, but even so I have still learnt quite a bit on the basics and a few new things that weren’t obvious to me. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

64 - orange network

Today I was invited to a friendly talk with two Orange network engineers to talk about - tada - the Orange Cellular network in Switzerland. @Stephtara had facilitated this meetup for bloggers and members of the Orange community and Orange brought in two engineers that are working on the actual network. In a really interesting roundtable discussion, we were able to fire off lots of (technical) questions about cellular networks in general and the Orange network in particular. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer