389 words — 2 minutes read

Rails on Synology CubeStation CS-406

Preparing for my workshop

Enable Telnet Access

see Oinkzwurgels page, download ‘syno-telnet-r3.zip’ and install it in the Synology Web Admin panel. The installation will stop at 99% - that’s fine

Now you can telnet to the CubeStation:

$ telnet 192.168.x.y
CubeStation login: admin

BusyBox v1.1.0 (2006.08.06-13:52+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

CubeStation> ls

You can login as any user you created. For the following steps, login as root (same password as your admin account)


install the ipgk stuff

Again - from Oinkzwrurgels document:

CubeStation> cd /tmp
CubeStation> wget https://oinkzwurgl.org/dl.php?file=bootstrap-ppc.tar.gz
CubeStation> cd /
CubeStation> tar -xzvf /tmp/bootstrap-ppc.tar.gz 
CubeStation> ln -s /volume1/opt /opt
CubeStation> export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:$PATH
CubeStation> /opt/bin/ipkg update
CubeStation> /opt/bin/ipkg upgrade

More software

CubeStation> /opt/bin/ipkg list | grep ruby                                                                                                                         
ruby - 1.8.5-1 - An interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming.
rubygems - 0.9.0-1 - Ruby packaging and installation framework.

CubeStation> ipkg install zlib
CubeStation> ipkg install ruby
CubeStation> ipkg install rubygems

I then installed the native toolchain as described on Oinkzwurgels pages

CubeStation> ipkg install make


CubeStation> gem install rails --include-dependencies

Prepare a cup of coffee and wait. Get some more coffee. Do some chores. Go to sleep.

Update /root/.profile so that the PATH is set to include /opt/local/bin

Here’s my current:

#/etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for ash.
umask 022
#This fixes the backspace when telnetting in.
#if [ "$TERM" != "linux" ]; then
#        stty erase
export PATH
export HOME
export TERM
export PAGER
PS1="`hostname`> "
alias dir="ls -al"
export CFLAGS="/opt/include:/opt/crosstool/gcc-3.4.5-glibc-2.3.3/powerpc-603-linux-gnu/powerpc-603-linux-gnu/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/lib"
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/crosstool/gcc-3.4.5-glibc-2.3.3/powerpc-603-linux-gnu/bin/"
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/local/bin"

Let’s try it:

CubeStation> mkdir -p /volume1/test
CubeStation> cd /volume1/test
CubeStation> rails cube

If all goes well, the rails command should create the directory structure for a project.

CubeStation> cd cube
CubeStation> ruby script/server

starts Webrick and you can access your page through the webbrowser at https://192.168.x.y:3000



So far I haven’t been able to install mongrel. The compilation fails because of

  • wrong paths in makefile (fixable)
  • missing syslimits.h header file (haven’t been able to track that down yet)

Next steps

Getting a real application with database access up and running

More software?

Oh yes - the NLSU2 page has more packages. So far I have installed:

  • mt-daap - the iTunes server
  • openSSH - no telnet for me, thanks
Jens-Christian Fischer

Maker. Musician