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SwissRug Meeting Notes 1.3.2007

Just 9 people met this time for the SwissRug meeting, but we had some really interesting demos and discussions….

Florian Hanke started of by showing a little application he had thrown together to get his computer to speak to him (a childhood dream). It’s called “James” and based on the speech recognition and synthesis of Mac OS X, couple with the ruby cocoa bridge. In just a couple of lines of Ruby. He’s planning to build an extensible open source application for interacting with the Mac. In his demo, he was able to get a time table for the train through the SBB website. Impressive!

Mirko Stocker showed the work he and his team made for getting Ruby refactoring suppport into RDT and eventually into RadRails. The refactorings he presented looked good - the team had covered about a dozen refactorings and hope to continue their work and move into the world of refactoring Rails applications.

Georg Kunz and Franco Sebregondi were talking briefly about their Coding Weekend which is planned to happen somewhere in April, hopefully in Rapperswil. We talked about possible different projects that could be done by small groups of people over a long weekend. There are a couple of great ideas floating around (see the wiki page, and add your own ideas).

There were a number of discussions - about Web frameworks (two of the participants are writing their own), about PHP refactorings, and all the usual banter going on, when a bunch of geeks meets.

Oh - and to prove geekdom, we had pizza instead of going out.

The next SwissRug meeting will be held in around 6-8 weeks time - hope to see you there!

Technorati Tags: refactoring, radrails, ruby, speechrecognition, swissrug

Jens-Christian Fischer

Maker. Musician