154 words — 1 minutes read

8 - mikropolis

My good friend Daniel Frei is embarking on several new exciting projects. One of them is Mikropolis, a “live polit no show” social media political discussion event. Daniela asked me and Dragica Kahlina to come up with some jingles for the show. This has in turn expanded into a live happening with Dragica and me playing live on May 15th and 22nd. I have made some first sketches and yesterday and today worked on a “bigger” soundscape:

So far the reactions (from Daniel and my wife) have been positive, but I wonder what others are thinking…

Also - I’m totally nervous to actually play live to a crowd - my “first gig”… And it seems, that Dragica and I will have no time to rehearse anything before the event - good thing we are in the same improv workshop and know a bit on how we tick musically and how we can play together…

Jens-Christian Fischer

Maker. Musician