/ #blog 


Wir sind daran, einige Dinge aus unserem Haushalt zu entfernen. Da es sich um noch gut erhaltene Gegenstände handelt, wäre es schade, einfach alles “Hagenholz einfach” zu spedieren. Vielleicht findet ihr ja das eine oder ander Geschenk oder Schnäppchen: Soehnle Personenwaage, CHF 45 Situp Trainer, CHF 10 3 Schachteln Kapla, CHF 100 Kugelbahnlabyrinth, CHF 15 Holzburg, CHF 40 Playmobilzoo assortiert, CHF 50 Puzzle 1000 Teile, CHF 15 Noch ein Puzzle 1000 Teile, CHF 15 ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

Stuck with read-only SD card on Mac

I was trying to use my Mac to format a 16GB SD card with the unix tool ‘dd’, but I got a ‘permission denied’ error when trying to write to it - even as root (using sudo). Examining the SD card, the write lock switch was in the correct position, but the DiskUtil tool showed that the card was read only. Weird. Some trawling the Interwebs led to the usual “plz halp me - U good” crap that is all over the forums, but also this forum discussion on the Apple Support forums. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

Rubin auf Schiene Entwicklern

Yesterday saw a lot of german speaking Rails developers receiving recruitment spam for a Rails Job in Zurich - german speaking people preferred. The “senior recruiter” had the good sense to have his job add translated to german - using a machine. Hilarity ensued. To make matters better (or worse), he sent the same offer today - and I couldn’t resist to write back to him. Please find below for posterity your amusement, our current dialogue: ...

Jens-Christian Fischer