/ #blog 

Some of the first SF I read was from Isaac Asimov, 35 or so years ago

I think this os the first time I have seen him in an interview and talking. What a great mind he has! As someone who currently is “learning” and studying, his comments on personal learning strike home. I have so much joy from re-learning mathematics, thanks to the Khan Academy, for example. Reshared post from +KENNETH UDUT Isaac Asimov predicts today's Internet years before there was an http - 1988 interview - you'll love it. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

The week is officially over, but there's still so much to do

117 days left before I have to hand in my Msc thesis, a bit more than a month before the https://ai-class.com starts (that I still hope to be able to take, in order to actually learn something new and be challenged - unlike the Masters course I’ve been taking the last two years). Also - as if not enough - there’s work waiting to be done. Long night and long weekend ahead, I’m afraid. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

Zürcher Coding Dojo eröffnet

Seit ein paar Jahren beschäftige ich mit Coding Dojos, also Orten, an denen Entwickler ihre Fertigkeiten und ihr Handwerkszeug verbessern können. Nachdem ich letztes und dieses Jahr an der RailsWayCon in Berlin jeweils ein solches Dojo durchführte, ist es jetzt an der Zeit in Zürich ein regelmässiges Dojo durchzuführen. Das erste Dojo findet am 16.6, von 18:00 bis 21:00 in den Räumen der InVisible GmbH statt. Weitere Details findet ihr hier: https://zurichdojo. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer