/ #blog 

links for 2010-09-26

Lunch over IP: Reboot8: How to be a Renaissance man, and help Google eat itself Notes on the famous Ben Hammersley Reboot 8 talk about Renaissance man (tags: reboot8 renaissance) You’re cuking it right Hints & tipps on using Cucumber (tags: testing cucumber howto) A few git tips you didn’t know about Advanced git tips (tags: tips git) Vimcasts More screencasts (tags: vim video) An Introduction to Vim Macros - video tutorials for introduction, python, vim, screencasts, blog, tutorials, installing, install, select, features ...

Jens-Christian Fischer
/ #blog 

Deploy first!

I’m in the middle of starting a (potentially) huge project with a couple of friends. Having just finished (well, technically, almost finished) a large enterprise Rails project, I am really looking forward to working in a small agile team, on an extremely tight deadline, but doing stuff that is relevant and interesting. The enterprise project was an interesting experience, partly because of the technology stack we had to use: Rails on JRuby, developing on Windows machines (which is so painful, you just want to give up) and deploying on Websphere (bad) on zLinux (think IBM big iron) with a host DB/2 database. ...

Jens-Christian Fischer